Tips to a dinner party seating plan

Tip nº1.
Tip nº2.
Refrain from sitting together the most extroverts at the party - scattering them around will create great conversation dynamics a bit all over and engage more people

Tip nº3.
Tip nº4.
Tip nº5.
Sit the your wine connoisseur friend right in the middle and invite them to open, pour and educate if they wish.

Tip nº6
Sitting smokers together also helps them not feeling rude about leaving the table and allows them to transition their conversations from inside to the outside and back.
Tip nº7
Put the entertainer/funniest member at the head of the table – they'll keep the party going.
Tip nº8
The elderly should be next to someone polite and chatty. If they are hard of hearing, try to accommodate them towards the end of the table, so they are spared with too much noise from cross-conversations.
We hope these quick tips will make you organize more dinner parties without any stress!
x Caspisanti